Flexible Energy Production, Demand and Storage-based Virtual Power Plants for Electricity Markets and Resilient DSO Operation
FEVER – Orchestrating flexibilities to enable the energy transition
The European Research & Innovation project FEVER aims at demonstrating and implementing solutions that leverage the potential of flexibility in generation, consumption and storage of electricity. With an overall budget of almost 10 million euros, seventeen partners from eight European countries are working together to accelerate the transformation of the energy system.

Flexibility in industrial settings – our pilot in Spain
The aim of the Spanish pilot is to demonstrate how activating aggregated local flexibility can be used in ancillary services.
Flexibility in this pilot will be demonstrated in specific industrial settings related to food processing and refrigeration in the area of Les Riberes.

Aggregation of local flexibility – our pilot in Cyprus
Located on the campus of the University of Cyprus this pilot aims to demonstrate aggregation of local flexibility.
Flexibility in the pilot comes with flexible storage of electricity in batteries, as well as from power-to-cold technologies.
Local Energy Community – our pilot in Germany
The German pilot forms a first example of a regional flexibility exchange model between two towns in a rural region with high renewable energy generation.
Consumers and prosumers are directly involved via peer-to-peer flexibility trading in a Local Energy Community.

Flexibility market – Market Simulator in Greece
The focus of the Greek Simulator is the development of integrated Market Simulator tools that implement the operation of electricity markets that incorporate novel flexibility-related services. The use cases range from day-ahead over intra-day to real-time trading mechanisms.

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