Denmark, Aalborg
Research centre with expertise in data-intensive systems, embedded software systems and human-centered computing.
Role in FEVER: Adaptation of existing generalized flexibility modelling (FlexOffer) methodology and underlying techniques for flexible storage loads/assets.
Greece, Thessaloniki
Public research center, specializing in designing & developing blockchain and smart contract solutions.
Role in FEVER: Design and implementation of an end-to-end secure digital identity solution for energy communities, a smart contract-based fungible token solution and various blockchain integration-related components.
Germany, Berlin
Consulting company specialized on innovative software and hardware and business development and renewable energy sources solutions.
Role in FEVER: Co-creation and promotion of core solution enabling DSOs and prosumers to take part in energy trading and demand side management, field installation of infrastructure German pilot.
Denmark, Aarhus
ICT company specialised in development and exploitation of energy flexibility, offering smart energy forecasting tools, aggregation, optimization, and trading based i.a. on Big Data and blockchain.
Role in FEVER: Extension of its current aggregator-as-a-service platform to support the extended FlexOffers and trading, extension of related tools such as energy planner.
Greece, Athens
Nominated electricity market operator in Greece, also responsible for organising and operating Greek gas and environmental markets.
Role in FEVER: Development of different market tools for introducing active roles of the flexibility aggregator and the DSO in the electricity markets.
Slovenia, Ljubljana
Leading Slovenian company for energy management solutions, industrial automation, process computer control and manufacturing informatics.
Role in FEVER: Providing prototypes of core solutions for flexibility management and trading, coordination of the deployment of flexibility solutions to pilots, dissemination.
Germany, Haßfurt
Municipal, highly innovative DSO with main goal to ensure generation, distribution, storage and consumption of renewable energies in form of smarter electricity, water and heating technologies.
Role in FEVER: Providing renewable energy sources, integration of the DSO toolbox and demonstration of the solutions.
Spain, Barcelona
Technology transfer for companies with expertise i.e. in Smart Grid architecture design, optimization of energy systems and energy markets.
Role in FEVER: Architecture design, implementation and optimization of technology for storage and electric mobility.
Belgium, Louvain-la-Neuve
Research centre with expertise in electricity market design as well as a current focus on distribution system operations.
Role in FEVER: Definition of relevant market mechanisms and tools for mobilizing distribution system flexibility, dissemination of results.
Cyprus, Nicosia
The FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy at UCY offers a unique perspective of the energy needs of a variety of system actors and demonstrates calculation and offer of flexibility.
Role in FEVER: Campus facility management, enhancing the energy management system, integration and deployment of the pilot in Cyprus.
Greece, Patras
Research centre with expertise in all aspects of power systems control, energy management and real time networked embedded systems.
Role in FEVER: Analysis of flexibility measures, design of the DSO toolbox, design of the flexibility relevant market mechanisms and tools.