Pilot III: Flexibility measures, smart tools for the distribution system operators and novel market mechanisms

The German demonstrator is located in Franconia, North Bavaria. The trial site is made up of two utilities and distribution system operators (DSOs) in two towns approximately 150 kilometres apart. It’s a rural region with high and dense renewable energy generation. The two utilities have been focusing on the consistent production, use and expansion of renewable energy and sustainable technologies, e.g. solar and wind energy, cogeneration and wood as raw material. The consumer/prosumer landscape covers all types of infrastructures, such as industries, small and medium-sized enterprises, professional renewable energy sites, farms, multifamily residences with common installations as well as single homes. Furthermore, first steps towards flexibility marketing and end user integration have been taken. Focus of the use cases is on creating market schemes for use of flexibility. They form a first example of a regional flexibility exchange model between the two towns and involve consumers and prosumers directly via peer-to-peer flexibility trading in a Local Energy Community (LEC).
Pilot site provider
SWW Wunsiedel GmbHParticipating