

20.12.2022 | Today our consortium partner Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya is telling us about their contributions to FEVER.
CITCEA-UPC is a technological centre, part of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya that includes all the necessary capacities for the development of products and projects in the field of energy concepts and models, simulation, development of services and solutions and implementation of prototypes.

Thanks to these multidisciplinary competences, CITCEA contributes to the FEVER project under many perspectives. Starting with providing cutting-edge technology hardware, such as the innovative, bi-directional and portable V2G charger, developed within the laboratories of the UPC university. The charger, built with new semiconductor materials such as gallium nitride, uses a high frequency transformer which allows small and compact dimensions.

The party is not over, how to forget the many software solutions for control and automation of smart grids: the energy management systems for the several grid assets deployed in the Spanish pilot, including EVs, energy storage systems, etc keep the magic touch of our software developers and engineers! These algorithms allow to create the offer of flexibility within the market.
A part of prosumers, and third-party asset owners, our main focus is the DSO wellbeing. The list of DSO services within the FEVER DSO toolbox has plenty to offer. Want a bit of latest fashionable Artificial Intelligence? There you go, the LV grid observability service leverages last advances in AI tools and digital twin modelling techniques to provide DSOs with real-time monitoring of normally unobservable LV grids.
You say this is not enough? Wasn’t the FEVER project all about distribution systems flexibility? We have you covered. The Voltage Compensation Application is born at the forefront of mechanisms for flexibility markets. The VCA creates the demand for flexibility by enabling DSOs to use reactive power flexibility to solve voltage deviations in the distribution grid. Within the Spanish pilot, CITCEA takes care of an all-round journey through the energy transition, offering solutions spanning from the prosumers side down to the DSO side.